Customer Feedback




Talent Acquisition Specialist - Siemens Software

"As recruitment manager in the European team of an international company, I am in daily contact with managers worldwide and/or applicants who don't speak French. The training course provided by ALFIA helped me to gain confidence, extend my technical vocabulary and communicate much better in the context of my job. I particulary appreciate the fast response and support provided by ALFIA in implementing the training courses, both for myself and for my colleagues in the company. Thanks to the quality of the course, delivered by a native English teacher, I felt significant progress whilst enjoying the time spent learning even after a long day of meetings and interviews."

Emmanuel BAUDOIN

Lecturer and Researcher - Institut Mines-Télécom Business School

"As Head of the HR Management department, I give lectures in English and attend international conferences. ALFIA's course in English for HR specialists helped me to improve the quality of my expression. I appreciated the personalized programme, always adapted to my needs. I was impressed by my tutor's professionalism and enthusiasm and by her ability to keep me engaged even after a tiring day at work."






Manager - Personnel department - Phone Régie

"With our 4500-strong team of highly regarded receptionists, Phone Régie is the n°1 service provider for reception desk staff in France. To give satisfaction to our clients who receive visitors from around the world we need to ensure our staff have the necessary language skills. We work regularly with ALFIA: our receptionists really appreciate the approach of their English tutors in improving oral communication skills and my team find ALFIA's admin systems simple and easy for training management purposes."

Elisabeth MORAIS

Team leader - reception desk - Phone Régie

"As team leader at Phone Regie, I need to upgrade my skills on a regular basis. I began by taking a recognised exam (RNCP) to gain a qualification as Reception Desk Manager. After that I took a course in English with ALFIA and this year thanks to the CPF training scheme, ALFIA also provided me with Portuguese language training validated by a recognised proficiency certificate. The world is on the move so let's all keep moving!"


Service Delivery Manager - Fujitsu Services France

"My aim is to improve my English level as quickly as possible. ALFIA's teaching approach is motivating and you get the impression that it is made for you personally. I am very impressed by the sincere desire of the tutors to help me improve and by the quality of the teaching materials provided."

Fabienne CHEMLA

Personnel Manager - METROHM

"I am in charge of personnel for the French subsidiary of a Swiss manufacturer of measurement instruments for the chemical sector. Several of our engineers and sales team as well as myself, are taking English language courses with ALFIA. We all reallly appreciate the wide-ranging and professional content of the courses. The tutors accompany each person according to their level. We prepare our lessons using materials that are diverse and practical. "


HR Director Southern Europe - Tibco Software

"Tibco is the leading international independent provider of infrastructure software creating event-enabled enterprises to use on-premise or as part of cloud. We entrust ALFIA with our language training and appreciate their efficiency in terms of return on investment: our results depend on constant adaptation to an international market where the level of English acquired thanks to ALFIA makes all the difference. "


Business Development Manager - Solution ASP & OEM McAfee

"I needed to upgrade my English following a promotion to a new job as South Europe manager for a significant part of McAfee's activity. I had just one month before taking up the post and I asked ALFIA to meet the challenge with me. We organised an ambitious schedule: two 60-minute sessions over the phone every day with lesson preparation and revision on top of that. This intensive course has just finished. If I believe my own judgement and the feedback from colleagues abroad, I am much more at ease when communicating with them which makes my job a whole lot easier. "

