ALFIA has a structured approach. It focuses on oral communication, improves written language if necessary, includes general vocabulary and/or vocabulary specific to my job
Each course is personalized following a 15 minute telephone/Skype conversation with ALFIA’s course manager: please leave me a message or call me on +33 1 84 18 01 70.
- acquire and use vocabulary specific to the field of pharmaceuticals
- review grammar and use sentence constructions at levels B1 and B2 to communicat orally.
- improve listening comprehension
- improve written English if relevant
be able to communicate with suppliers, medical staff, during audits in diverse contexts including substance discovery, quality assurance and auditing, clinical trials, drug safety and regulatory affairs, production and packaging
- provide information, introducing oneself, one’s field and projects, summarizing action points, writing job ads. .
- ask about drug discovery and drug development, talking about time periods, asking for and giving opinions.
- inform and ask questions during an audit, suggesting corrective action, discussing SOPs
- describing a process, get information, make suggestions, request information and respond directly.
- reporting adverse events, discuss the causes of SAEs, ask about implications about a drug, give advice, give strong warnings
- expressing moments in time, give instructions, describe a process, give presentations.
Diagnostica Stago – Echosens – Laboratoire Français de Biofractionnement (LFB) – Mallinckrodt Specialty Pharmaceuticals Ireland – Généthon – Servier
Levels are described according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, Learning, Teaching, Assessment: CEFR.
The CEFR describes foreign language proficiency at six levels: A1 and A2, B1 and B2, C1 and C2.
Based on empirical research and widespread consultation, this scheme makes it possible:to establish learning and teaching objectives and to provide a basis for training managers to recognise language qualifications and levels.
Structured training courses :
- CECR level descriptions – my needs – made-to-measure
- blended-learning
- materials-content
- my assigned teacher
- learn anywhere
- certificates proposed
- maintain my level after the course
- a reliable training centre
- maximised return on investment.
Paid for by government scheme in France (CPF).
- Speaking: construct simple sentences to communicate about him/herself and other, ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
- Listening: understand simple information provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
- Reading: understand short sentences and basic vocabulary.
- Writing: write short emails, text messages
- distance learning by visio or by telephone
- blended learning: contact time alternates with self-study using structured materials
- the same teacher for a given course for coherent follow-up